When you’re tight on time, it can be easy to throw blogging on the back burner, but we have to change this narrative. Because it’s actually one of the most effective ways to establish your brand, connect with your audience, and drive traffic to your website. 


But it’s not enough to just have a blog. You need to consistently post valuable content that people are searching for to see results. So let’s explore why posting regularly on your blog is KEY for your business growth…


  1. Establish Credibility 


Showing you are knowledgeable and can provide value in your niche helps build trust. After all, if you’re looking at two sites you know very little about, which one are you more likely to trust: the one that says they’re an expert or the one creating content that shows they are knowledgeable in their field and passionate about not just making sales but educating their community? We think the latter and most of your clients will too. Plus, it makes people come back for more! Which means not only do you have their loyalty but their attention (and in today’s oversaturated market, having someone’s attention is EVERYTHING)! 


  1. Boost Search Engine Visibility


If you want to drive more organic traffic to your website, then SEO (search engine optimization) will play a significant factor in your success. Here’s how it works:


  • Regularly Update Your Blog – this shows search engines that your website is active and valuable, often resulting in higher rankings and increased visibility. 
  • Add in Keywords – these keywords help people find your content! Try and get in the mind of the person searching for a solution you provide. A great free hack is to look at Google’s “people also ask” section after typing in a question you would ask.


For example, let’s say I’m writing a blog on “How to write a blog post” I would type that question into Google and see what comes up.


Currently, the results for this topic are:


  • How do you write a blog post for beginners?
  • How do you create a blog post?
  • How do you write a blog post format?


So, I would then find a way to incorporate this verbiage into my content. SEO keyword generators are also a lifesaver in helping you narrow down what keywords to add to your blog! Just remember not to overdo it. You still want your copy to be engaging and valuable for your audience, or else once they get to your site, they’ll just bounce to the next. 


  1. Engage with Your Audience


Your blog is a great platform to not just provide value to your audience but to engage with them and build a larger community! So make sure you’re engaging with your readers by responding to comments and addressing any concerns or questions they might have.


You’ll also find the more consistently you post, the more engaged your followers will become and the more they’ll begin to engage and feel a sense of loyalty towards your brand. Not to mention, this group of loyal followers can then give you in-depth insights into your target customer’s pain points, preferences, needs, and so much more! This will help you tailor your content and services to better serve them and improve your marketing strategy. 


  1. Generating Website Traffic and Leads


When you hit that publish button, it represents a new indexed page on your site which means the chance of search engines discovering and ranking your content dramatically increases. Additionally, sharing your blog on social media or through newsletters can attract new website visitors. We recommend offering valuable and relevant CTAs at the end of your blogs to ensure you’re sending your readers in the right direction. Some of our favorites are “sign up for our newsletter” or “download our free resource.” Both of these are going to be vital when it comes to capturing your leads and turning them into paying clients.


Final Thoughts


At the end of the day, if you want to grow your small business, your blog is going to be an essential part of your digital marketing strategy. 


It will help you:


  • Build authority
  • Boost search engine visibility
  • Increase brand awareness and loyalty
  • Generate website traffic and leads


… and much more! 


So start creating content that provides value and resonates with your target audience, or if you need more time, find someone else who specializes in doing just that!


P.S. – we know the perfect place! *wink wink*


To learn more, reach out to our team at (719) 301-7760!