There’s nothing worse than getting the notification that your Facebook Business Page has a new comment just to log into your account and see one of these…

Thankfully, there actually is a way to get rid of these spam messages and still keep your account public, you just need to filter out or block spam bots by following these strategies: 

  • Use Facebook’s Automated Filters:

Facebook provides automated filters that can help identify and filter out potentially spam messages. These filters are designed to catch common spam keywords and phrases. You can enable these filters in your page settings under “General” > “Messages” > “Filter unknown senders’ messages.” This will move messages from unknown senders to a separate message requests folder, which you can review at your convenience.

  1. Regularly Review Message Requests:

Set aside time to regularly review the message requests folder for your business page. While this folder may contain legitimate messages from potential customers, it can also have spam. You can mark messages as spam and block users if you identify them as bots or spammers.

  1. Implement Moderation Tools:

Facebook offers moderation tools that allow you to filter and block specific keywords or phrases. You can access these tools in your page settings under “General” > “Page Moderation.” Add keywords or phrases commonly used by spam bots to this list.

  1. Use Messenger Bots for Initial Filtering:

Consider using Messenger bots to automate the initial interaction with users messaging your page. These bots can ask predefined questions and gather basic information before transferring the conversation to a human agent. This can help filter out bots and low-quality messages.

  1. Manually Identify Patterns:

Pay attention to patterns in spam messages. Often, these messages contain similar wording, links, or other common characteristics. If you can identify patterns, you can create custom filters or moderation rules to catch them.

  1. Enable Verified Badges:

Facebook offers verified badges for businesses, which can help users distinguish your legitimate business page from fake ones. This can reduce the chances of scammers targeting your page.

  • Educate Your Team:

Train your team members who manage the page to recognize spam and scam messages. They should be cautious when responding to suspicious messages and know how to report and block spam accounts.

  • Regularly Update Filters and Keywords:

Stay with it and regularly update your filters and keywords to adapt to changing spam tactics. Spammers often evolve their methods, so it’s important to keep your defenses up-to-date.

  • Encourage User Reporting:

Encourage your followers and customers to report any spam or suspicious messages they receive from your page. Facebook takes user reports seriously and may take action against spam accounts.

  1.     Consider Third-Party Tools:
    There are third-party social media management tools that offer advanced filtering and moderation features for Facebook pages. These tools can help automate the process of identifying and filtering out spam.


Managing spam on a business page is an ongoing effort, and it may require some trial and error to find the most effective strategies for your specific page and audience. This is why we always recommend regularly monitoring and adjusting your approach – this is the key to reducing spam bot messages.

Have you also been receiving spam messages in your DM stating that “your account will be suspended?” Go check out our last blog for advice on what you can do or better yet… what NOT to do.